Apple Melon Pudding
1 lb. of Allinson
breadcrumbs, 3 apples, 1-1/2 lbs. of melon, 12 cloves, 1/2 pint of milk, 1 oz.
of butter, 3 eggs, sugar to taste. Peel and cut up the apples and melon, and
stew the fruit 15 minutes, adding sugar and the cloves tied in muslin. Place a
layer of breadcrumbs in a buttered dish, remove the cloves from the fruit,
place a layer of fruit over the breadcrumbs, and so on until the dish is full,
finishing with a layer of breadcrumbs; beat up the eggs, mix them with the
milk, and pour the mixture over the pudding; spread the butter in bits over the
top, and bake the pudding 1 hour.