Apple Meringue Pudding
Two quarts of pared
and quartered apples, a lemon, two cupfuls of granulated sugar and six
table-spoonfuls of powdered, six eggs, one quart of milk, three teaspoonfuls of
corn-starch. Pare the thin yellow rind off of the lemon, being careful not to
cut into the white part, and put it in a saucepan with one and two-thirds
cupfuls of the granulated sugar. Boil ten minutes; then put in the apples and
juice of the lemon. Cover, and simmer half an hour. The apples should be
tender, but not much broken. Take them up, and boil the syrup until thick. When
it is reduced enough, pour it over the apples, and put these away to cool. Make
the sauce and finish the pudding the same as for peach meringue, flavoring the
sauce, however, with extract of lemon.